so i have found this app recently and thought i would share. XPipe is a new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager that allows you to access your entire server infrastructure from your local machine. It works on top of your installed command-line programs and does not require any setup on your remote systems. XPipe fully integrates with your tools such as your favourite text/code editors, terminals, shells, command-line tools and more. The platform is designed to be extensible, allowing anyone to add easily support for more tools or to implement custom functionality through a modular extension system. i have only had a quick look at it but seems like an awesome app so far. check it out here
so recently i have been working more with linux and i discovered tmux. now i have heard of tmux ages ago but never really used it to is full potentioal until the other day. its so easy to use and the fact all your sessions have their name down the bottom and can use diffrent colors. you can even use the mouse to switch windows! i have listed some basic key bindings below and a cheet sheet for you to download. Enjoy :) ------ Basic tmux keybindings Tmux provides several keybindings to execute commands quickly in a tmux session. Here are some of the most useful ones. First, create a new tmux session if you're not already in one. You can name your session by passing the parameter -s {name} to the tmux new command when creating a new session: $ tmux new -s Session1 Ctrl+B D — Detach from the current session. Ctrl+B % — Split the window into two panes horizontally. Ctrl+B " — Split the window into two panes vertically. Ctrl+B Arrow Key (Left, Right, Up, Down) — Move betwee
remove the alert popup message without buying it Promox: No valid subscription message popup Intro Sometimes, the popup message — “No valid subscription” bothers me. Fortunately, the popup window only show up only during the initial login. Today, I got curios if there is a way what brings up the popup? In the javascript, ` /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js `, there is a logic checking the subscription by making API call to Proxmox. If there is no valid subscription, then “No valid subscription” will popup. Here is the logic in the proxmoxlib.js checked_command : function ( orig_cmd ) { Proxmox . Utils . API2Request ( { url : '/nodes/localhost/subscription' , method : 'GET' , failure : function ( response, opts ) { Ext . Msg . alert ( gettext ( 'Error' ), response. htmlStatus ); }, success : function ( response, o
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