Saturday, October 27, 2018


 Hi All,

so recently i was looking around for a cheaper/free alternative to good sync while goodysnc is good i dont have any money at the moment.

after googling for a bit i came accross FreeFileSync.

i set it up and it works like a charm, easy to setup and use.

highly recommended if you want a file sync app.

as its a great product i will be donating soon to help further development.

check it out here

Sunday, October 14, 2018

 talking to some of the guys over at the homelab subreddit on discord and one of them showed a screenshot of a pihole with a huge amount of domains blacklisted.

turns out he is using this site to increase the blacklisted domains beyond the standard ones.

check it out here

if you don’t know what a pihole is check it out here

Pi-Hole Blacklists

 talking to some of the guys over at the homelab subreddit on discord and one of them showed a screenshot of a pihole with a huge amount of domains blacklisted.

turns out he is using this site to increase the blacklisted domains beyond the standard ones.

check it out here

if you don’t know what a pihole is check it out here

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

show last logon time for a computer account in powershell

 here is how you show the last logon date for a computer account in powershell

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Get-ADcomputer -Filter * -properties * | sort lastlogondate | FT name, Lastlogondate, Win32_operatingsystem



 so i have found this app recently and thought i would share. XPipe is a new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager that allow...